Rating 2013 Termidor SC 78 0z. (2 Bottles)

Termidor SC 78 0z. (2 Bottles) Real Reviews 2013

Termidor SC 78 0z. (2 Bottles)

Are you looking to buy Termidor SC 78 0z. (2 Bottles)? We offer cheap Termidor SC 78 0z. (2 Bottles) is best price for value.

Termidor SC 78 0z. (2 Bottles)

Termidor SC 78 0z. (2 Bottles)
Termidor SC 78 0z. (2 Bottles)

Product By : Termidor
  • For use in: Outdoor use only. Indoor spraying is limited to spot treatments for live termite infestations. The product cannot be used indoors for ant or pest control.
  • Pet safe: Yes, when used as directed (Termidor is safe around pets such as dogs and cats when used OUTSIDE only and mixed and applied as directed. Termidor is not labeled for use directly on pets.)
  • Special Features: Non-Repellent and most widely used termite control product by professional companies.
  • Time to Kill: May take up to 90 days to kill termites depending on the colony size.
  • Target pests: Termites, Carpenter Ants, Crazy Ants, Argentine Ants and other ant species including crazy rasberry ants (please see the label). Also labeled as an outside perimeter pest control treatment only for the following pests: Asian Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Pill Bugs, Centipedes, Cockroaches (Australian, Oriental, Smokey Brown), Crickets, Earwigs, Cluster Flies, Millipedes, Silverfish, Spiders, Brown Dog Ticks, Paper Wasps, and Yellow Jackets. Note: Termidor is not a knockdown product for wasps and yellow jackets.
Termidor SC 78 0z. (2 Bottles)
.Product Description
Termidor SC (the SC stands for Suspended Concentrate) is an excellent professional termite control product for killing termites and protecting your home from future infestations. Termidor will protect your home and eliminate almost any termite problem in less than 90 days. In addition, when used as an in-ground barrier treatment, Termidor will protect your home or business for over 10 years. Termidor is completely undetectable by termites and once termites touch it they contact, ingest and spread the termiticide until it eliminates the entire colony. Termidor controls all types of termites including subterranean, formosan, and drywood termites.Termidor SC is also one of the best outdoor ant control products that money can buy. An exterior above ground spray one foot up and one foot out is all you need to knock out ant colonies and carpenter ants trying to invade your home!Want to know how to get rid of crazy rasberry ants or how to treat crazy rasberry ants? Termidor is the answer to controlling crazy rasberry ants as well as all other ant species. Termidor is labeled for OUTDOOR use only. It can only be used indoors to spot treat termite or insect activity inside wall voids (for example when treating a live termite infestation in a wall void) . It cannot be used indoors for ant or pest control other than inside wall voids. Termidor Uses:1. For Termite Control: To protect your home from future termite infestations, Termidor must be mixed with water and poured in a 6-inch deep trench that is dug around the foundation of the home. Please read below for more information.2. For Ant Control: Termidor is mixed at a rate of .80 fl oz. to one gallon of water in a pump sprayer and sprayed around the outside foundation of the home. For example, you would spray 1 foot up the foundation of your home, and 1 foot out onto the ground. The treatment will last about 4-6 months, and will then need to be reapplied.

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Termidor SC 78 0z. (2 Bottles) , 10 out of 10 based on 159 ratings
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