Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes Cheap 2013
Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes More discount Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes sale now, Best buy Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes low price. Limit time offer! Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes | Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes
Product By : Climagel | Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes. Product DescriptionWeighted blankets have long been used with children and adults with a range of diagnosis including ADHD, ADD, PDD-NOS, those on the Autism Spectrum, Sensory Processing Disorder, Bi-Polar Disorder, Dementia or anyone who sufferes from anxiety and depression. The use of a weighted blanket is to increase deep pressure input to the body, which in turn facilities the release of chemicals from the brain which calm and relax you. Deep pressure input causes Dopamine and Serotonin to be released from the brain to help calm the nervous system. By having a good balance of serotonin in the brain, this can help regulate all other brain chemistry and keep a neutral and relaxed learning state. Research and experience has shown that the weight should be approximately 10 % of a child's body weight to be effective. This is just a guide however, as each individual is different. Some may like their blankets heavier and some may prefer them lighter. A weighted blanket however should never be used as a restraint, should never be used to wrap the client or child up in, and should never cover the client/child's face. For safety reasons, a weighted blanket should NEVER be used with an individual unless they can independently remove the blanket themselves when needed. Features- Size 3 - 9.9lbs 47" by 63" weight is evenly distributed throughout the blanket and not concentrated in only one part of the blanket
- The Climagel Weighted Blanket has been years in the making and was developed by a Paediatric Occupational Therapist w ho is trained in Sensory Integration therapy.
- Fully removable Winter/Summer cover for washing and the Gel filled blanket itself can be easily wiped clean with a sponge
- Entire blanket can be easily heated by placing in a clothes dryer for 5-10 mins, or until desired heat is reached
- For those clients who overheat easily, the gel blanket can be cooled in a freezer for those hot summer nights where weight is still desired to sleep
Where to buy Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes?You can buy Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes best price with super saver shipping. See more prices, shipping options available and additional information via click the link below - Get it Now! Related Items Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes , 10 out of 10 based on 66 ratings | weighted blanket - Health & Personal Care Sleep Tight Weighted Blanket (Large 54" x 72" 16 lbs, ... Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 2 - 6.6lbs - Colored Stripes. ... Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 2 ... Weighted Blanket - More Categories - Compare Prices, Reviews and ... Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes. ... Weighted Blanket (Small 4 lbs 42" x ... 14 lbs 42" x 60", Blue), Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 2 ... Weighted Blanket Autism Miscellaneous - The velour sack has white vinyl stripes and an 8 lb removable weighted ... This blanket is Lime colored and size ... $220.00 Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 2 ... weighted blanket Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 4 - 13.2lbs Blue Stars by Climagel (Personal Care) ... Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9 lbs Coloured Stripes by Sensamart (Personal Care) Weighted Blanket - Prices, Offers & Tests of Weighted Blanket Sensamart Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9 lbs Coloured Stripes. ... Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9 lbs Coloured Stripes. Postage & Packaging: Free! Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3- 9.9lbs Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3- 9.9lbs Weighted Blankets Size 3 ... Color. Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3- 9.9lbs Summary. Size 3 ... Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3- 9.9lbs - Sensamart-Australia Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3- 9.9lbs CLIMAGEL WEIGHTED BLANKET Size 3 - 9.9lbs 47' by 63' weight is evenly distributed throughout the blanket and not ... Climagel Weighted Blanket - Size 3 - 9.9lbs - Colored Stripes Weighted blankets have long been used with children and adults with a range of diagnosis including ADHD, ADD, PDD-NOS, those on the Autism Spectrum, Sensory ...
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