Riviera Bermuda Grass Seed 25# Bulk Bag Cheap 2013
Riviera Bermuda Grass Seed 25# Bulk Bag Looking to buy Riviera Bermuda Grass Seed 25# Bulk Bag cheap price? We offer best deals Riviera Bermuda Grass Seed 25# Bulk Bag for sale. Riviera Bermuda Grass Seed 25# Bulk Bag
Product Description Riviera is a revolutionary new product developed bythe Oklahoma State University Turfgrass Development Team, with financial support from the United States GolfAssociation. Riviera is the result of many years of selection for improved turf quality, cold tolerance, seedproduction, and disease resistance in the transition zone. The transition zone offers a unique weather pattern withperiods of extreme cold, extreme heat, and drought. Bermudagrasses produced in the Southwestern United Statestypically suffer from severe winter injury and cool-season grasses produced in the Northwestern United Statesstruggle with the summer's heat, drought, and disease pressure. Riviera was developed for the turf manager whowants to manage grass and not constantly replant his grass.Seed of Riviera is grown in Northwestern Oklahoma, not a place that first comes to mind when you thinkbermudagrass, at least not yet. Approximately 98% of the world's production of bermudagrass is grown in SouthernCalifornia and Arizona. A region where temperatures typically range from 115?F to 40?F, humidity is low, andirrigation is readily available. In contrast, Oklahoma is the land of extremes. Temperatures range from 110?F withhigh humidity in the summer and reach below 0?F during the winter with extreme drought conditions. What does thismean to a turf manager? Everything, unless he lives in a glasshouse. A lot of other varieties make claims butRiviera has the history and data that ensures the turf manager his grass will perform year after year.Features
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